Natural Disc Bulge Relief | Chiropractor for Disc Injuries in Sun Prairie, WI
Hello, I’m Dr. Kasi from Harvest Chiropractic in Sun Prairie. Today, I’d like to delve deeper into back pain and, specifically, disc issues. Our spine ideally has several curves: one in the neck, another in the opposite direction in the mid-back, and a final curve in the low back. These curves help alleviate and distribute stress along the spine, much like the architectural design of a bridge or the curve of an unladen flatbed semi-trailer, which flattens under weight to distribute loads effectively.
Impact of Modern Lifestyle on Spinal Health
In our contemporary lifestyle, where sitting has become more prevalent, these natural spinal curves are often compromised. As a result, the head tends to shift forward, and the lower back curves to compensate, increasing the rounding of the back. This compensation leads to increased pressure on the spinal discs.
Study Findings on Disc Health
A significant study involving over 1,500 patients, who underwent MRI scans, found that 60% had disc bulges. However, the presence of disc bulges alone isn’t always problematic unless they exert pressure on nearby nerves, potentially causing pain, sciatica, or even digestive issues.
Anatomical Perspective of Spinal Health
Anatomically, if we consider a side view of the lower back, it consists of alternating discs and vertebrae with the spinal cord running through the middle, and nerves branching out. Discs facilitate spinal movement, but as disc space diminishes over time—whether due to aging, posture, or injury—the likelihood of nerve impingement increases.
Comparing Healthy and Compromised Discs
Visualizing a healthy spine versus one with diminished disc space highlights the potential for issues. A smaller disc space means less buffer between the vertebrae and nerves, leading to higher risks of nerve compression, especially if a disc begins to protrude and impacts nerve pathways.
Treatment and Results for Disc Injuries
At Harvest Chiropractic, we have seen great results in treating disc injuries and helping patients return to their preferred activities. Our approach focuses on realigning the spine and alleviating the pressure on nerves to enhance overall spinal function.
If you have any questions or are experiencing back pain or symptoms related to disc issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are committed to helping you regain and maintain your spinal health so you can continue enjoying life without discomfort.
Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to assisting you at Harvest Chiropractic in Sun Prairie.